Overcoming Dental Anxiety: How Sedation Dentistry Can Help

Many people experience anxiety or fear associated with dental visits. This can be due to a number of reasons, including past negative experiences, the fear of pain, or the use of needles. If dental anxiety prevents you from getting the dental care you need, you're not alone.

Sedation dentistry offers a safe and effective solution for people who experience dental anxiety. It involves the use of medication to help you relax and feel more comfortable during your dental procedure.

Why Choose Sedation Dentistry?

There are many reasons why patients might choose sedation dentistry, including:

  • Reduced anxiety and fear: Sedation dentistry can significantly reduce the anxiety and fear associated with dental procedures.

  • Increased comfort: Patients feel completely relaxed and comfortable, even for longer procedures.

  • Pain management: Even with sedation, patients are completely numb for a very comfortable experience.

  • Gag reflex: Some people have a strong gag reflex that can make dental procedures difficult. Sedation eliminates gagging.

  • Improved oral health: By enabling patients who experience anxiety or fear to receive necessary dental care, sedation dentistry can contribute to better overall oral health.

Types of Sedation Dentistry

All New Smiles offers various levels of sedation dentistry to meet the individual needs of their patients. These options include:

  • Laughing gas (nitrous oxide): This is a mild form of sedation that can help you feel more relaxed and less anxious.

  • Oral sedation: This involves taking a pill before your appointment that will make you feel completely relaxed and comfortable.

  • IV sedation: This is a more moderate form of sedation that is administered through an intravenous (IV) line.

All New Smiles also has a group of anesthesiologists on staff who can provide general anesthesia for patients who require it.

Considering Sedation Dentistry?

If you are interested in learning more about sedation dentistry and how it can help you overcome your dental anxiety, contact All New Smiles today. A consultation with a qualified dentist can help you determine if sedation dentistry is the right option for you.

Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional dental advice. Please consult with a qualified dentist to determine the best course of treatment for your individual needs.

Justin Lockwood

I grew up on a kind of hippy-commune where all my toys were made of wood and imagination was my only screen time. This forced me to be a creative thinker from the start. I drew and sold my first logo when I was twelve and still feel inspired every day to discover new ways of communicating peoples stories and passion. I create things that are designed to be used and enjoyed. Not just admired but interacted with. That demonstrate knowledge and feel personal. Because this is what makes design memorable.

During my almost 20 year career I've been lucky to work with some of the world’s most admired brands — companies like Alaska Airlines, Lululemon, GAP, Madison Square Garden, Target, TOMS, HBO, Marvel, TED, and CNN. In recent years I've helped startups including AutoLotto, Spoon Rocket, Healthiest, Trizic and Prevail design successful products and raise millions in funding.


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